Monday, January 5, 2009

Kale Thoran

We love leafy vegetables and therefore miss the spinach/cheera that we get back at Kerala both the red and green. the frozen spinach/palak that we get here is watery and good with daal but not for thoran. I tried making thorans with the fresh green and red kale leaves that is available in the the local stores and came out good and very simialar to our cheera thoran.

Red / Green Kale bunch- 1

Scrapped coconut - 1/4 cup

Garlic - 2 pods

Green chilly - 2

Mustard seeds - 1/2 tsp

Oil - 1 tbsp

Coarsely grind the coconut, garlic and green chillies. Season the oil with mustard seeds and add the finely chopped kale leaves and the ground coconut mixture with salt to taste. Cook in slow fire till the leaves get cooked. This goes well with rice or rotis.


SS said...

hey I tried this with purple kale..came out very similar to the cheera thoran back home. Thanks for the tip.

Ichu said...

We love it alot....