Sunday, December 28, 2008

Spicy mutton fry

Mutton - 2lbs
Onion - 1
Garlic - 8-10 pods
Ginger - 2 inch piece
Green chillies - 5
Red chilly powder - 1 tsp
Corriander powder - 2 tsp
Turmeric powder - 1/2 tsp
Fennel powder - 1 tsp
Grama masala powder - 1 tsp
Pepper powder - 1tsp
Curry leaves
Cilantro chopped
Oil - 3 tbsp
Tomato - 1
Blend the onion, garlic, ginger and green chillies in a chopper.
Mix the mutton with this ground masala, chilly powder, corriander powder, turmeric powder, pepper powder, fennel powder, curry leaves and salt. Pressure cook the mutton for 5-6 whistles in slow fire. Once done, in a kadia pur some oil and add the cut tomato pieces and some more curry leaves and fry the cooked mutton with the gravy for some time till the gravy becomes slightly red and reduced.Add the garam masala and cilantro and mix and serve hot with chappathis, lappam, porottas etc.

ps. can control the level of spice by reducing green chilly numbers..........

1 comment:

Unknown said...

When I saw this recipe I could n't wait to try it because I personally know how good Ichu's cooking is! I tried it with beef..and turned out so good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you Ichu for your valuable time!